so last night i finally got to see my first (hopefully of many) proper j*davey show. they were incredible. along side
nouveau riche and
the slack republic, the 5 Spot got blessed.
i really wish slack had the opportunity to play for the entire crowd that ended up showing up, their set was DOPE. mec even sang to me! ha!!!
one of the main reasons i go to shows these days (outside of going to support the artist and enjoy the show) is to feed off the energy and peep game, pretty much. get a clue on stage presence, but also see people in my peer group taking their dreams by the reigns, so to speak. last night was a prime exammple. i've been cool with mec from TSR since before the band was even conceieved. we were trying to do some joints together.
to see the culmination of that in people doing a string of shows all over the country (even Toronto) and selling cds, getting a good reaction from the crowd... it's fantastic to watch and it's intensely inspiring.
i'll say it again because it needs to be said: brook d'leau is a BEAST. and i want me a roland jp 8000 son.
SPEAKING of keyboards:

ordered my new baby!
that and a new DVD RW. all i need is my tascam and the firewire controller and i'll really be out of excuses.
i've been coming up with alot of ideas, but i'm gonna stop typing them out, cause it only makes me cringe when they don't come to fruition. i've mentioned the mixtape and the beattape, which are still on the list, but have taken back seats to life in general and other things i'm trying to complete. at this point it's like, things will get done when they get done.
i talked to some folks last night about collaborative efforts, and i've possibly got some interesting opportunities bubbling in the pot. i haven't made (or been offered) any real money recently, so i'm good with perfecting my craft and letting the rest take place naturally. i'll concentrate on getting my production rate up, and really networking with people who can get my career on its feet.