...& please say the baby.

j*daveybaby, that is.
i will readily admit that i slept on these cats pretty hard.
i don't even know how long i've been sleeping on them, but it's been a good while. and it was on purpose. there's a saying that much of what okayplayer cosigns and hypes up has a strong chance of not being very good. it's unfortunate but it rings true all too often.
besides, look at them. the look makes me wanna roll my eyes. ubercool hipsters with funky hair, tight jeans and a MicroKorg. spare me!
a friend sent me the demo they did, maybe a good 3 months ago at least... i never listened to it, of course. totally not like me, because i don't keep stuff i don't listen to. i have an excuse though, it was sent over AIM and it sat in that stupid download folder AIM creates, running the chance of being forgotten forever.
fast forward to this weekend, when said friend forwards me a copy of kudu's album. i go to retrieve it to put on my dell dj, and lo & behold, there's the j*davey record. i had already heard no more and let it bleed... so i'm like, yeah, lemme throw this on as well. can't hurt.
consider me thoroughly ensconced. i love the ideas this brook d'leau cat has for music. he is THE ying to jackdavey's yang (briana cartwright/whatever she's calling herself). it made me think of prince and/or neptunes getting in a studio with jdilla, REDUX of course. they aren't THAT good, but they are very good.
one thing i found very refreshing is that the music is completely and utterly devoid of the hipster pretense that i expected to hear. don't get me wrong, she thinks she's cute and she thinks everybody else does too, but it only manifests as an assured confidence that bangs along happily with great music. no more, in my opinion, could EASILY be on the radio. we're talking about a indie group with no particular superlabel grooming (outside of briana's studio experience), dressing and looking like troubled youth circa 1986, making a song that could without question be a summer anthem.
gotta respect that.
expect to see me with a hot singer chick, a tight shirt and some 80's synths making some banging beats soon!
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