i'd give my balls for this set up.

Access Virus TI Polar:

Akai MPC-4000:

i mean of course, this would be the central set up, preamps, mics, mixers and etc else would complement this.
but wow. the duende coupled with the mpc makes me the most erect... it's all hearsay, but all the experts say that the duende is as close as youre gonna get to a $100k SSL 4000.
i'd like a big studer tape machine to track everything on out of protools, but that's another extra that i don't feel like searching for pics of or even imagining the price for. it's a beautiful piece of machinery, though.
i'd probably stick a Numark TT-1x or two in the mix for good measure, a Rane TTM going straight into the MPC...
man. it'd be a complete and utter wrap. macbook pro with a set of 500GB externals paired in RAID...
jeez. that's a clean $15k. well spent though.
2k for the protools, 2600 for the macbook pro, 1600 for the duende, 2800 for the mpc, 3k for the virus, that's $12,000 right there.
i love doing lists like this, perhaps a bit too much. MEH! anybody that's paid out the booty and looking for a good cause to donate a few grand to, get at me! you won't regret it, the return is unfathomable, that's my werd! © ghostface
i been in a funk. the lack of response after circulating my third beat cd has taken its toll on my creativity. i cant help feeling like i need to be utterly formulaic and that's stifiling my desire to take time to push my own limits and be funky as i see fit. i didn't bargain for any of this. it's confusing and frustrating. especially considering the timeline and deadlines that exist now.
i had to take a step back from it all and regain some kind of perspective on the entire situation. talk to some comrades and let them smack the cobwebs out of my head...or at least let 'em remind me that i'm not alone in the struggle. in all honesty i probably need more time to REALLY get to the bottom of my issues, but it's time that i just don't have, so whatever. hopefully this is training me to cope quickly and be more adept to get back on track sans long periods of stagnancy. is that a word?
i got a course book and listing for the spring semester from community college today at lunch. i know, its kinda too late for spring semester, but i'ma see what can be done. them piano classes are honestly out of my budget, but its a sacrifice im thinking i'm willing to take.
i wanna be a producer, b. not just a beat maker. i wanna be in the studio telling cats what to do and where to stand, conducting the entire orchestration. i was reading about some of the classic production teams, like holland/dozier/holland and the corporation (mizell/perren/richards/gordy)... gamble and huff, etc. man those dudes were amazing. the bodies of work they compiled in their heydays, that's the kinda legacy i wanna leave. outside of hiphop. i wanna be the kind of cat, and collab with the kind of cats that, when you see my/our name on the production credits, without even knowing the artist you can prepare for something amazing.
i spent a few hours digging through old 45s monday afternoon (didn't go to work). i picked a few really good records out strictly because of knowing the producers and the label. its so dope how you can get a good clue and read on an unknown record with that little bit of knowledge.
"oh wow. so and so produced by the mizell bros. in 1975? i'll take it."
i pray i'm there sooner than later.
i wanna go home! 2 more hours.
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