got so much work to do.
i *kinda* sold two beats.
i've yet to be fully paid for either.
i'm heading up to t-dot next month to work on some music with my peoples. i have so much equipment to purchase. i gotta step my game up, too. i got this mixtape to get popping, a dj set to ace, a EP to finish and so many other verbal commitments that i've opened my fat mouth and agreed to.
plus i got creative branch-outs that i have to explore. plus i gotta keep the network game on full tilt. that stuff is HARD.
man. no rest for the weary, for real. where's a manager when you need one?!
this is sorta other-bloggy, but it's on my mind now so i'ma talk about it. besides, it has everything to do with my music.
i just want my peoples to know that i really do love you all. i'm working really hard to chase a dream that has a race car engine and sticky tires. i'm running down the street after it in some busted prokeds. you feel me? this is a 25/8 type of deal. hopefully, only for a short period of time. if it takes me 5 years to get to a point where i can live off this, why front on me in my first year?
why give me hell now?
i'm tryin man, really i am. i hope yall understand. 'cause at this juncture, it looks like it may only get worse. and believe me, i'm not faring any better than you guys are... sometimes i feel like i'm going crazy with all the pressure i put on myself, and there's barely a ripple in the proverbial lake. just gimme some time to myself to work this out... i swear i'm good for it.
4am. sunday morning. i'ma get me some pineapple soda and hit the sheets.
love me now!
i've yet to be fully paid for either.
i'm heading up to t-dot next month to work on some music with my peoples. i have so much equipment to purchase. i gotta step my game up, too. i got this mixtape to get popping, a dj set to ace, a EP to finish and so many other verbal commitments that i've opened my fat mouth and agreed to.
plus i got creative branch-outs that i have to explore. plus i gotta keep the network game on full tilt. that stuff is HARD.
man. no rest for the weary, for real. where's a manager when you need one?!
this is sorta other-bloggy, but it's on my mind now so i'ma talk about it. besides, it has everything to do with my music.
i just want my peoples to know that i really do love you all. i'm working really hard to chase a dream that has a race car engine and sticky tires. i'm running down the street after it in some busted prokeds. you feel me? this is a 25/8 type of deal. hopefully, only for a short period of time. if it takes me 5 years to get to a point where i can live off this, why front on me in my first year?
why give me hell now?
i'm tryin man, really i am. i hope yall understand. 'cause at this juncture, it looks like it may only get worse. and believe me, i'm not faring any better than you guys are... sometimes i feel like i'm going crazy with all the pressure i put on myself, and there's barely a ripple in the proverbial lake. just gimme some time to myself to work this out... i swear i'm good for it.
4am. sunday morning. i'ma get me some pineapple soda and hit the sheets.
love me now!
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